Our New Guide To Early Intervention Referrals in South Carolina
When your child qualifies for Early Intervention in South Carolina through BabyNet or perhaps directly through DDSN, you get access to comprehensive services from local providers like us here at Bright Start. We can help you and your child with their developmental delays and disabilities to improve overall well being, long term outcomes, and future quality of life.

But you see, the thing is, although Early Intervention in SC is a wonderful program, it can sometimes be a little confusing to see if your child is eligible and to go through the application and evaluation process. Now more than twenty-two years old, our company was South Carolina’s original Early Intervention provider, and we have seen a lot of changes over the years.
So we wanted to try to make things easier for you as you navigate the system.
Babynet Referrals and DDSN Eligibility for Early Intervention
Recently, our team decided to build a comprehensive guide to early intervention “referrals”, which is our state’s name for the process of applying for and being approved for services.
This interactive guide helps you identify key information, such as:
- Where to seek a referral based on your child’s age
- Which key information you will need to gather for your referral
- What the intake and eligibility evaluation will be like
- How to choose us at Bright Start as your service provider
We even made a wonderful infographic that illustrates the whole process which is available to download.