McCarthy Teszler School Hosting Autism Consortium
The McCarthy Teszler School is hosting an Autism Consortium 2013-2014 for Parents, Family Members, and Caregivers of children with Autism. All sessions will be held on Fridays from 3:30 – 5:00 PM at the McCarthy Teszler School at 175 Burdette Street in Spartanburg. There is no charge for the program. You may attend any part of the program. Registration is not required; you may simply show up. Below is a complete list of sessions.
September 13th: Autism beyond the Definition
November 8th: Managing Meltdowns in Children with Autism
December 13th: The Connection between Behavior Issues and Visual Support
February 7th: Managing Anxiety in Children with Autism
March 7th: Sensory Issues in Children with Autism
May 9th: Dieting for Autism